Step 1: Find the font you want to install. Some good websites are:
Step 2: Download the font. I recommend downloading the font to your My Documents for easy access during installation. Most fonts will be downloaded in a zip file format.
Step 3: Unzip the font. Locate the downloaded zip file, open it and 'extract' all files.
Step 4: Open the Control Panel from your start menu and open the Fonts folder.
Step 5: Install font:
- In Fonts folder, click on the File menu then Install New Font
- In the Folder window, locate My Documents and double-click. A list of available fonts will appear in the top box. Click on the font you wish to install and click OK.
NOTE: If you are currently in a software program in which you wish to use your new font, you may have to close it in order for it to appear in your font list.
If you run into any problems, please feel free to call me and I will walk you through the installation. I can also help you if you need to email your font to a printer or other person who does not have the font.